Tour Blanche Podcast #7  Septembre
Seventh episode of the Tour Blanche podcast, worked by Paris based musician Septembre.
Expect some raw/punk black metal, expect some noise.

Support Septembre by following @a.cotes.ouvertes on Instagram and by listening to Fleckentarn, Veins like Vines, Sola Busca.

Curation and layout by Paul Merloz

Tracklist :

Masks Of Canaan - Untitled
Karnilapakte - Troldom Ok Galdrom
Autumn Heart - Old Storms Appear
Livrädd -  Dödsmässa
Peace Vaults - Damp Pelt
Yersinia Pestis - Mad Jack
Asyutas - Outlaw
Subut Ex - Les filles des Magazines
Marco Del Rio - Stigmata Of The Lord
Christophe Cle Bard - Moi je suis rien
Total - shallow terrorists '85

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